Intelligent Technologies
for Plastic Detection

... with the IoSys units from Europe's leading detection specialist

Areas of Application

Mobile plastic detection
by intelligent NIR technologies :

mIRoGun 4.0

Detection of bright and black plastics, flame retardants and fillers by combination solution :

mIRoSpark 2.0
- will no longer be sold due to technical obsolescence -

Stationary automatic analysis of flakes and granulates :


Different NIR solutions for a lot of industrial tasks in plastic detection and sorting :

- sold out -

- sold out -

Detection of flame retardants :

- sold out -

Special offers

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The intelligent technology of our IoSys units
brings you flexible in-process quality control
with ultra-fast, highly precise results.

We offer innovative, compact units as mobile or stationary application and also develop individual solutions for special requirements.


Value creation:

... by recuperation of pure raw materials in the plastics and textile industry

Cost avoidance:

... by securing the quality of the products and maintaining process security in plastics processing and recycling


  • in or off-process measuring for analysis, separation and control


  • simply to use
  • flexible analysis
  • very fast results with lab-like precision
  • flexibility with position and timing
  • user-orientated configuration
  • adaptable by dynamic and “learning” databases

GUT & IoSys – the innovative specialists for intelligent technologies in:
Plastic Detection, Plastic Sorting, Plastic Sorting Plant, Polymer Detection, Roasting Test, PET Flakes Checking, Mobile Plastic Scanner, NIR Spectrometer, Sliding Spark Spectrometer, Flame Retardants